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Success Is About Creating Value
We value the client’s experience and personal needs, each and every day. Our objective is to ensure our client’s expectations are met through listening, understanding, and active management.
Services That Support Your Goals
We offer solution-based advice that is customized to each individual client. Need help developing investment goals? We specialize in that too.

Invest In Our Knowledge
We use our experience, education, technology, and customized process to create your idea of a healthy financial lifestyle.
Access LPL research, including the Weekly Market Commentary, Weekly Economic Outlook, Bond Market Perspectives, Portfolio Compass and LPL Annual Outlooks.
Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it! Our team of certified financial professionals enjoy sharing their knowledge, variety of tactics, financial approaches, and outlooks of the shifting market.
Mission And Values To Process
The First Meeting
The first meeting is simply a “get to know each other” process. No fees are involved until an investment strategy is mutually agreed upon and a plan is set forth to invest funds. You are welcome to bring as much or as little information as you are comfortable sharing. We value compatibility in our office, which provides you the opportunity to see if we would be a good fit for your required needs.
Building The Foundation
Becoming a Keystone Financial Group Client means that we strive to put our clients first and focus on the foundation of their individual needs. We build our independence by partnering with LPL as the custodian for client assets. Recognizing that your time is valuable, we will make every effort to ensure the transition is as easy and straightforward as possible.
Placing The Keystone
Once we have reviewed these key elements of your financial life, we put together a comprehensive investment plan for you. You will have an opportunity to discuss our recommended approach in detail. In fact, we will not make any changes to your existing holdings until we have all agreed to a clear, concise plan.
Together We Grow
As the foundation grows and the keystone is placed, a sturdy structure remains. We have found that clients like to meet with us fairly frequently in the early phase of their relationship with us. As a general rule, we like to meet with clients at least twice a year. You will also receive regular email communications from us so that you have a clear understanding of our current outlook on the markets and their effects on your portfolio.